Computer Science 1
This is my webpage for GITA 1.
I'm learning C# this year.
We are using Visual Studio code for our projects.
I'm new to coding but I have learned a lot.
Date: 2023/8/25
This is my first GITA project! This program
teaches you how to say goodbye in different
languages through buttons.
About Page
Date: 2023/8/30
This program allows the user to use different
buttons to be able to change pictures, text,
and images.
Mailing Label
Date: 2023/9/8
In this program, we learned to use textboxes
to store user information and output them
into a different format.
Date: 2023/9/11
This program teaches us to string messages
together through concatinating. We take user
data and combine it with text to make a madlib.
Car Rental
Date: 2023/9/19
In this program, we use textboxes to take in
information and preform calculations based off
of the collected information to create a
virtual car rental.
BMI Calculator
Date: 2023/9/22
This program allows the user to calculate
their BMI through entering their height and
weight. It is also capable of keeping stats
and averages.
Car Rental Upgrade
Date: 2023/10/3
This is an upgraded version of car rental
with new features such as radio buttons and
checkboxes. this gives the customer more
options for upgrades.
Test Score
Date: 2023/10/4
In this program, the user can enter two
numerical test scores and find the letter
grade, average, and which score is higher.
Dice Probabilities
Date: 2023/10/10
In this program, we learned how to generate
random numbers to simulate two rolling dice. it
calculates the sum of the dice as well as keeps
track of the amount of times a number is rolled
and the probability of getting that number.
Craps Game
Date: 2023/10/18
This program is similar to dice game and vegas
craps that is played in casinos. it also uses
message boxes to tell the player if they won
or lost.
Slot Machine
Date: 2023/10/27
This program uses radio buttons and generates
random numbers to simulate a slot machine. The
user can make bets and enter credits to spin
the wheel and try and win the grand prize.
Taco Shop
Date: 2023/11/9
This program uses everything we have learned so
far this year to make an online taco truck where
the customer can choose what type of taco they
want, calculate the price, and keep the stats.
Rock Paper Scissor Lizard Spock
Date: 2023/12/1
In this program, we learned to recreate the
game of rock paper scissors online using
radio buttons and hiding the opponent's
choices. it also keeps stats.
Stair Walker
Date: 2023/12/6
In this program, we learned to use arrays which
allow the user to randomly place object on the
staircase and let him go up or down one at a time
as well as open doors at the top and bottom.
2D Submarines
Date: 2024/1/19
In this program, we further developed our
knowledge on arrays as well as well as learned
through the use of radio buttons displayed by
both the submarine and the shark.
Date: 2024/2/1
This is one of our simple projects! In this
program, we created a two player game of
tic tac toe by using pictures and booleans.
Basic Ai
Date: 2024/2/16
In this program, we learned how to use key
presses to mobilize picture boxes through the
arrow keys. We also learned to have game
elements follow other pictues as well as
allowing our character to shoot projectiles.
Star Field
Date: 2024/2/22
In this program, we used arrays on multiple
picture boxes to locate them on the screen
and move them in different directions
accordingly. We randomized the initial
starting posistion and grew the stars with a timer
Fishing Simulator
Date: 2024/3/5
In this program, we used arrays on multiple
picture boxes to locate them on the screen
and move them in different directions
accordingly. We randomized the initial
starting posistion of the fish.
Our goal is to get fish using the hook.
Bees Simulator
Date: 2024/3/8
In this program, we learned how to make an
list to generate a bunch of bees
that will move away from a hive and get flower, comeback.
Number Array
Date: 2024/3/8
In this program, we learned how to make an
interger array to generate a random list of
numbers 1-100. we also learned to classify
the numbers into odd, even, highest, lowest,
and find the average of them.
Minecraft Platformer
Date: 2024/5/23
This is my final project.
This program is a platformer game that used all the
functions that what we had learned so far.
There are intermediate 5 levels on the game
along with the graphics and the bgm.